Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

I hope all you mothers had a wonderful Mothers Day today. What a honor that it is to be allowed to be a mother. God does not allow every female to become a mother and He and He alone chooses who He blesses with this honor.

I went to a ladies conference locally Friday night and Saturday and the speaker which is a retired school teacher and a grandmother made a comment that I thought was very fitting to dwell on for mothers day. " I want to watch what I feed the grandchildren and make sure I give them a healthy diet" now she was not talking about food that we eat. Don't get me wrong that is important, what he literally feed our children or grandchildren, too. We should probably aim for a healthy diet. But her point was on what we do and put in front of them. What examples are we setting in front of those little impressionable minds. I had not ever thought about it as "feeding". But it is feeding, what are feeding them with books we read, tv we let them watch, or the tv we watch in front ot them, the places we go, the places we let them go, our actions, their schooling, their and our church attendance...... the list could go on and on.

Now, I have a lot of regrets on what I did or didn't do when my children were in the home, but I can't go back and God worked in spite of my poor decisions. I wish I had been more serious about the Lord, I wishI had studied the bible more, I wish I had taught them more scritpures, I wish....But I can't reraise them, but inspite of me God worked anyway and I give Him all the praise for my children in how He raised them.

Trust me those 18 -20 years will be gone before you know it and your opportunity to train them up for God will be gone. Enjoy every moment and every stage because they really are precious and truely a gift from God above.

Nikki and Jesse, I love you both more than life itself and am honored to be your mother. I enjoyed every moment we had together as our family of four. But I enjoy you both as adults and watching God use you both and grow you into what He wants. Both of you have been a gift from God that He allowed for a little while to live in our home and to try to raise you for HIM. I am proud of you both and I love you. Thank You for putting up with me as your mom.

It's all about HIM


Jamie Lynn said...

Happy Mother's Day Joan!!