Thursday, July 23, 2009

So Simple

Psalms 56:3
What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

On Wednesday night at Calvary our youth, the really young ones at the beginning of the service go forward and say Bible Verses they have memorized and or sing Bible songs they have learned. Last night a 6 year old girl's verse was Psalms 56:3.

Wow,that really got my attention, for 1 thing yesterday I was having a fearful day when I should not have been, and I have had some fearful days lately. And there have been things over the years since I have been saved that I have been fearful of. How about you? Although I know what the scriptures say about God not giving us the spirit of fear I struggle just like you do even though my husband is a preacher/pastor. I don't have it all figured out and I have struggles and issues that I must deal with, too. There are many times in my life that I have fears, and I am sure that we all have things that we fear more than other things. What I fear you may not fear, and what you fear I may not fear. But this verse that is so simple a 6 year old can understand it and memorize it is full of truth to live everyday by. Trust God!!!

However, God used this simple verse that this 6 year old quoted last night to touch my heart and remind me that I need to be trusting HIM, and not fearing. Thank You Lord.

Until We blog Again,


Heather said...

Mallory and Makenna say this verse when they are scared of the dark. : ) Its funny how little ones seem to "get it" when so many times we don't. Sending love and prayers your way.

chadandnikki said...

God always seems to use the "simple things to confound the wise".