Saturday, January 24, 2009

What A God I Serve

I was working through my Bible Study this morning and have been mediating upon it ever since. I wanted to share it with you all because it was soooo good. And the more I have thought about it today the more I have wanted to think about it.

What attributes or characteristics of God are mention in the following verses?
Numbers 23:19 -He can't lie, He will not change His mind, He can't sin so therefore He has no need of repentance,and He will do what He said He would do.
Deuteronomy 4:14 - He keeps His covenants.
Deuteronomy 7:9 - He will not forsake us, He will not destory us, and He willnot forget the covenants he has made with our forefathers.
II Peter 3:9 - He is not slack, He is longsuffering, and He wants noone to perish.

God can't lie or change His mind. He can't sin so He does not need to ever repent. God will also do what He said He would do. And He will keep His coventants and He wll not forget the covenants that He made with our forefathers. God will not forsake us, and He will not destroy His children. God is not slack like man. He is also longsuffering and He wants no one to to persih and go to Hell.

Wow, thats big to little ole me. My God is a big God. How could I ever doubt Him, but I do? Lord help me to draw closer to you and trust you more in every situation and to be more like you each and every day.

A lady at church today told me about an organizastion that I have found very interesting. I wanted to pass it along to all of you and I also found a couple of more that I ran across on the internet.

No matter what your view on the war is I think we all can agree that we desperatley need to support our troops in cards, prayers and items that they are in desperate need of. Many of them don't recieve anything from home and we can help. They are fighting for our freedom and we owe it to them to support them daily. Check out the websites and lets see what God can do through us to bless someone else.

The first two websites are websites that will give you soldiers names that you can write cards to or send care packages to. Many of us are involved in churches, youth groups, school clubs, etc. where we could adopt several soldiers as a group. Or you could do it as a family project. We have so much and they are sacrificing so much for our freedom.

The last site is where you can send cards online that children have made up and XEROX will print them off and put them in Care pacakges. All of this is done online. I challenge each one of us to do so many a day. I have already done mine for the day.

Blessings to you all and I trust that you will have a good day in the Lord tomorrow and that we all will see it as a gift from God, that He allows us to go to His house to worship HIM and learn more about HIM.