Wednesday, March 25, 2009

20 Little Words

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.
Proverbs 25:26

If you have not ever read a Proverbs chapter for each day of the month give it a try you might like it. I read Proverbs 25 this morning and the last verse of the chapter spoke to me and went right along with my daily devotion from Managing Your Moods.

We really can't use the excuse that so many of us have used "this is how God made us so this is how I am". God expects us to be ever changing to be more like Him. I need to be more like God today, than yesterday, than the week before. With God I can transform daily and in ever situation and be more like Him.

I don't about you, but I strive to be more like HIM and the Bible is a mirror for my life and many times I don't like what I see. That is not enough just to not like what I see, I must do something about it. After all God bought me with a price, and my life is not my own it is HIS.

Until Next Time