Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Names, Titles, Offices of Christ and Adjectives That Describe HIM!!!!

For the last couple of days I have been thinking about the alphabet and each letter(well almost each letter) and word or words that describe MY Saviour. This is the list I came up with.

A - Advocate, Alpha & Omega, Almighty, Altogether Lovely, Awesome
B - Bridegroom, Bread of Life, Beginning & the End
C - Christ, Counselor
D - Deliverer, Dayspring
E - Excellent, Eternal, Everlasting
F - Father, Faithful, First Begotten
G -God, Gracious, Good, Glorious
H - Holy, High Priest
I - Immanuel, "I AM"(my favorite because it describes HIM as being whatever I need, whenever I need it and for any situation )
J - Jesus, Just
K - King of Kings
L - Lord, Lilly of the Valley, Lovable
M - MINE, MINE, MINE.......
N - Nazarene
O - Omniscient
P - Prince of Peace, Propitiation, Pure
Q -
R - Root of David, Redeemer, Righteous
S - Saviour, Shepherd, Son of Man, Son of God
T- Truth
U -
V -Virgin Born, Vine
W - Wonderful, Word Witness, Word of God

What are some words that you can think of that describe HIM!

It's ALL About HIM,
Welcome CreativeGroomer to our little blogging community, but I can't post comments to your blogs. Love the computer, that you received from your hubby by surprise. How sweet.


chadandnikki said...

Q - Quintessential (the complete and most perfect embodiment of something)
U - Ultimate Price and Pardon

I thought I would help you finish. These just popped into my head.